Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Palmer's First Tow
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Why, hello!
Poor Palmer is getting less of my attention because rather than spending the entire evening oohing and aahing over how cute Palmer is, I usually rush home to walk him, and then rush back out to make it to the gym. Throw in some intensive work training for 2 weeks and you get one sad puppy. The great news is that he gets some extra quality time with my mom and dad and we all know how spoiled he is when he's visiting them!
No pictures this time around but I'll try to take some cute ones over the next couple weeks! Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tag, I'm it!
1. I watched Say Yes to the Dress today and secretly (or not so secretly) yearned to wear my very own wedding dress in anticipation of next June. Does this make me crazy? Quite possibly...
2. I sweat so easily that I have to get ready with a fan pointed directly at me (most times). I'm not quite sure if its because I'm always in a darn rush to get ready, if my condo is abnormally warm, or if its just my metabolism but if I don't stand in front of a fan I will look as if I just came back from a quick run. Gross, I know.
3. I make scary sounds when I sleep. Only the very lucky few that have heard my sleeping sounds in person can attest to how indescribable it is (and how it can keep others in the room from sleeping). It's a cross between a repetitive cough, gag, and snoring and I THINK is triggered by allergies or cold temperatures. It must run in the family because the only other people that I know make the same sounds are my brother and my cousin, Dereck. (I now realize that this 6 Random Things List is slowly becoming a 6 Unattractive and Horrific Things List...)
4. I am allergic to coconut. Yes, its true. I have no desire to dip any of my filipino desserts in shredded coconut because I will make aforementioned sound (see item #3 above) 'til the end of eternity. Or I will go into anaphylactic shock.
5. I am incredibly indecisive. I've always known this about myself but not until I started planning my wedding and was faced with decision after crucial decision, did my indecisiveness thoroughly urk me. I used to think I was just being thorough and thoughtful but now its just another annoying trait that I wish I could get over.
6. And since this is Palmer's blog, after all, I'll make my last 'random fact' a doggie one. There have been two (and counting) instances where I've given into temptation and in the last moments of falling asleep have called Palmer into my bed. Granted, I've only done this on the last night before I'm due to change my sheets and I'm always sure Palmer lays on top of the flat sheet (so there is a layer between the two of us) with the comforter pulled down... but there is really nothing better than falling asleep with your precious pup cuddling with you through the night. And yes, Johnny was jealous (of me, not of Palmer).
The rules of tagging are:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
Tag Lina, Dereck, Genee, Cher, Janet and Jamie (couldn't link to your personal blog for some reason, so I linked to jacshoot blog, Jamie)! You're it!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I won!
A non-Palmer related post again... I was one of five winners from one of my regular wedding blog reads Blue-Eyed Bride! I submitted the photo above from Johnny's proposal and won a gift-certificate for a photo book. My initial excitement came from actually winning something but after discovering that my picture and story were posted on the blog entry announcing the winners, I was happy that my story was shared with so many people. Johnny really went out of his way to plan a proposal I could never have dreamed up myself and he deserves all the compliments in the world! I am one lucky gal who's got one perfect proposal, a sweet sweet fiance, and now, a free photobook! Yay me!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Don't leave me
This weekend we were watching TV and, as always, Palmer fell asleep on the couch. The cutest thing, though, was when we noticed he had his paw on Johnny's arm so he would know if Johnny ever got up to leave. Maybe I'm just projecting human emotion onto a dog, but that's what I like to think Palmer was doing. See for yourself...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
High Maintenance Doggie
Earlier today, Johnny went back to Palmer's original adoption post and told me that after his initial shock at the pictures (is that really Palmer?!)... it hurt to read that Palmer caught the rescue group's eye because of his gentle demeanor in the middle of a chaotic and noisy dog shelter. The thought of our precious little pup in a cold, harsh shelter just kills! Not knowing his past is the hardest part because I'm sure if he could just talk for 1 minute to tell us where he's been and what he's been through, we'd know in an instance why he behaves the way he does.
One things for sure, Palmer is one high maintenance dog. I can't blame him if he's had the horrible experience our colorful imagination thinks he's had and is now in a loving home that he fears abandonment every day that I walk out the front door... or that when we're sitting on the couch, he begs to cuddle up next to us.... or that when Johnny's sitting on the carpet to watch TV or put on his shoes, he rests his head into his leg or climbs right into his lap. Why wouldn't you soak up all the lovin' that we have to offer? We have a lot of it to give! I wonder, are all rescue dogs like this? Do all rescue dogs come jaded and skeptical?
Probably not... but we love this lazy dog anyway!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Training Slump
(I was kidding about the song and dance.. but maybe some really good stays or a nice calm walk on the leash will do.)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Not Palmer-related, sorry!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nap Time
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Party Pics
Here's a picture of Palmer posing with his presents. Talk about spoiled!
It was a small, intimate party with no other dogs allowed... Johnny, Cher, Thomas, and Dereck all came to wish him a Happy Birthday!
And here is Palmer with his cake.
This is a funny picture because it looks like he's closing his eyes to make a wish! Hahah!!
Cher made matching cupcakes for the guests!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Happy Birthday, Palmer!!
I promise to post pictures of the party! Stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Greatest American Dog
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Upside Down Olympics
Sorry, I meant the *award-winning* silly dog. :D
Monday, August 11, 2008
Guess what?!?!
Time for bed...
Alright, I should take Palmer's lead and hit the sack! Good night.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A finalist, two times over!
There is also a 'feline' and 'other' category:
What do you think? Palmer's got a chance?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cutest Dog Semi-Finalist
Congratulations! Your Photo Of Palmer Has Advanced To The Semi-Finals & Has Won A Chance To Appear In Our Next Cutest Pets Photography Book! The Votes Have Been Pouring In For Your Photo of Palmer. Therefore, It Has Received Enough Votes To Appear In Our Next Photography Book! We have chosen to publish your photograph of Palmer in the "The Cutest Pets of 2008 - The Best of 2008" coffee table book. (ISBN# 978-0-9770401-6-2)
And what's a post without a picture of Palmer sleeping? Saturday he fell asleep with his ear propped up like a little bunny rabbit!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My little helper
Friday, July 11, 2008
Cutest Dog Contest
We have a Cutest Pet contest at work so there was no question that I'd be entering Palmer. It was really hard to choose which picture to submit since there are just so many cute ones of him. Should I submit a sleeping photo? A photo of Palmer wearing clothes? One of Palmer cuddling with my dad? What a dilemma! Haha. Anyway, I decided to stick to simple and classic and one that showcases Palmer's all-time favorite trick.
After I sent the pics to my brother, he sent me a link to an online contest at They have some really cool prizes including a $100 gift card to Pet Smart & $1,000 cash... and winners are chosen from online votes! For all you Palmer fans out there, support his candidacy for Cutest Pet by clicking on the link and voting for the photo. Wish us luck!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The other day, as I flicked the plastic applicator for Palmer's monthly flea treatment, he ran straight into his crate and planted himself firmly inside. I guess Palmer started to associate that flicking sound with the cold trickle of flea medicine down his back. If I were a dog, I'd run and hide too!
Yesterday, Palmer heard Johnny parking his car from our balcony and, again, ran to the window to verify it was him... then ran anxiously to the front door anticipating his arrival. What a smart dog!
Here's a picture of a happy, but lazy, dog. Don't you just love how his tongue hangs out the side of his mouth?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Welcome, Einstein!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Also, happy -1 year anniversary to the fiance! I love you. ♥
Monday, June 16, 2008
To croissant or not to croissant?
Is it just me or is anyone else having difficulty telling others to stop being so "nice" to your dog? I can't find a balance between being thankful that he loves Palmer so much and being a good mommy that cares for the health of her dog!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Big Brown Eyes
Monday, June 9, 2008
A true Palmer at heart.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Major Migraine
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sweet Daddy
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Palmer Pillow
As I tried to get a good pic of Palmer on his bed, he started to fall asleep...
Eyelids are getting heavy...
And finally giving in...
Tonight will be his first night on the new bed. Looks like he won't have any trouble getting a good night's rest!