- Man walking encountered 4 coyotes, which crouched, circling him, attempting to attack. Fought off with walking stick, hitting one square across the face
- Coyote scaled 6-ft wall into yard, attacked and killed small dog in presence of owner; in melee, woman kicked coyote, then fell and fractured her elbow and was attacked and scratched by coyote
- Boy walking family’s 2 dogs attacked by 3 coyotes; one dog was killed and the other injured; rescued by father
- 3-yr-old girl killed in front yard by coyote; massive bleeding and broken neck
- Coyote approached couple walking dog, attempting to snatch dog out of man’s arms; left only after being kicked
Granted, these are all incidents reported over several years but it clearly shows how vicious these animals can be when in search for food. The Pasadena Humane Society recommends the following if you see a coyote:
- Be aggressive, yell, throw rocks, or spray a hose at the animal
- Make yourself appear large and back away slowly
- Never turn your back or run away