Wow, we're way overdue for a blog update, aren't we? We've just been so busy with all the work Johnny and I are tied up with, Christmas shopping, family dinners, etc. We had our Week 4 class last week and Palmer did so so well! We had to do a 'blind' recall where I had to hide out of Palmer's sight and call him to me. I was so nervous but Palmer came right when I called. We have our 'finals' next week and then graduation! Palmer will have to walk on leash without pulling, sit, down, sit stay, down stay, and perform a trick in order to graduate so we are cramming all week. Wish us luck.
Here is a recent picture of Johnny, Palmer, and me. I also have a cute video of Palmer trying to reach for his rawhide but blogger's server doesn't seem to like it. I'll try again later...
I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
are you sitting on the floor again?
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