Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Friday!

I'm being bad and posting while at work but hey, today is Friday! Hooray! Yesterday, Johnny and I took Palmer around South Pasadena and explored the cozy little restaurants, coffee shops, and boutiques within walking distance from Johnny's house. I love living in Pasadena/South Pas area... especially because everyone is so dog-friendly! The coffee shop we went to last night had a jar of free doggie treats and doggie water bowls next to the outdoor tables. Everyone is very friendly when you have a little doggie walking with you and Palmer makes so many friends (both dog and human) everytime we go out!

Tomorrow morning, Johnny and I plan to take Palmer out with us for breakfast and then Palmer gets to visit my mom, dad, and brother. I'll be in the Cerritos area for a bridal shower, my friend's business event in the evening, and then I'll be back in Cerritos for church on Sunday. It's going to be a busy weekend for the P-dog!

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